
Showing posts from February, 2023

Critical Emergency Response Incidents Benefit from Weather Data Integrating with Plume Modeling Software

We recently received this question: Are CWS weather stations compatible with CERES hazmat software? Yes, they are! In case you were wondering …  CERES is a popular public-safety software application used by hazmat teams to help manage preparation, response, and analysis of chemical incidents, fires, and explosions. All of these scenarios benefit from meteorological data to aid critical decision-making with enhanced situational awareness. “Accurate weather information is essential in any emergency response situation, but it is especially critical when dealing with hazardous material incidents. Integrating local live weather data with plume dispersion modeling and gas detectors can greatly enhance the ability to respond effectively and protect the public from harm,” says Cristian Stochina Streinescu, Founder and Managing Partner of Vlahi Systems , maker of CERES.  Using the Weather MicroServer interface, data from any Columbia Weather Systems weather station can be incorporated easily