Weather Station Data for Energy Forecasting in Huntington Beach
The HBEP is one of the cleanest power generation plants in California. Harnessing Weather Data for Energy Forecasting AES is a global energy company that has purchased CWS weather stations for several US project locations since 2012. Ellie Thacker, CWS Technical Sales Engineer, recently got a site tour and sends the following report: The Huntington Beach Energy Project (HBEP) , located in Huntington Beach, California, began operation in 2020. The HBEP is an 844-megawatt power generation plant that uses a natural gas-fired, combined-cycle turbine and a simple-cycle turbine. The HBEP is one of the cleanest power generation plants in California due to its emissions control equipment. The Challenge Gas-fired turbines run more efficiently when the ambient temperature is lower. When the ambient air is colder, it is denser, which means more air can fit in the given volume that passes through the machinery. Relative humidity also affects the efficiency of the turbines. John Islas, ...