Happy Flag Day!

If you don't happen to have one of our weather stations handy, you can estimate wind speed and direction with today's honoree.

CALM Beaufort 0 - Less than 2 km/h (≈ 1.25 mi/hr) Flag: Flag is at rest.
LIGHT AIR Beaufort 1 - 5 km/h (≈ 3 mi/hr) Flag: Flag moves slightly in the wind, the bottom corner of the flag will hang.
LIGHT BREEZE Beaufort 2 - 10 km/h (≈ 6 mi/hr) Flag: Flag extends in the wind, the top corner may flap and curl.
GENTLE BREEZE Beaufort 3 - 20 km/h (≈ 12 mi/hr) Flag: Waves move across the fabric when the flag is extended in the wind.
MODERATE BREEZE Beaufort 4 - 30 km/h (≈ 20 mi/hr) Flag: Flag is in constant motion, flapping quickly in the wind.
FRESH BREEZE Beaufort 5 - 40 km/h (≈ 25 mi/hr) Flag: Ripples move quickly across the fabric.
STRONG BREEZE Beaufort 6 - 50 km/h (≈ 30 mi/hr) Flag: The flag will “snap” and “pop” as it waves, flaps, and ripples. Damage to the flag will begin to occur.
NEAR GALE Beaufort 7 - 60 km/h (≈ 35 mi/hr) Flag: Flag will begin to tear, possibly detaching from its hoist.
GALE Beaufort 8 - 75 km/h (≈ 45 mi/hr) Flag: What flag? If not already torn from its hoist, there will be little left of the flag to respond to the wind.

If you're tired of looking at the flag, buy a weather station! Preferably from Columbia Weather Systems.


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