Weather Station Helps Preserve Water Quality, Biodiversity at Kezar Lake Watershed

A Pulsar 600 Weather Station with additional soil/water temperature sensor helps the Kezar Lake Watershed Association accomplish its mission to “preserve, protect and maintain the ecological, scenic, and recreational resources of Kezar Lake and its watershed.”

Located in southern Maine, the watershed is home to hundreds of animal species and encompasses a 56-mile network of forests, streams, ponds and wetlands that flow into Kezar Lake. The weather monitoring system was purchased in 2017 after “extensive research of available systems,” according to KLWA Director Don Griggs. “Only the Pulsar 600 met the criteria we established.”
One of KLWA’s projects is protecting the water quality of the lake. This includes maintaining a comprehensive, scientifically-based water quality research and monitoring program. “We use the weather data, especially temperature data, to enable us to calculate various water quality measurements that we make several times a year,” says Don. “We also provide lots of community goodwill by providing 24 x 7 x 365 weather data for residents, business and sports persons.”
Current weather data is displayed on the KLWA website and is used as a daily resource by locals and visitors to the lake. “The Pulsar 600 and our webcam are mounted on the same pole and we have integrated the display of both on our webpage. We receive about 2,000 hits per month on this webpage. The combination of the weather station and the webcam are a powerful draw to our website.”
“The sensor package has operated flawlessly since we installed it. We are very pleased with our purchase and the support we received. We would certainly recommend this weather station to others who might have similar criteria as we do.”
We always welcome feedback and success stories from our customers. Thank you KLWA and Don for sharing with us!

→ To learn more about the Pulsar 600 Weather Station and how weather monitoring equipment from CWS may help meet your organizational goals, give us a call at 1-866-625-8620 or email ➡️

Click Here to Visit Kezar Lake Watershed Association’s website


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